ISSUE/EDITION Nr 333 - 01/11/1997



A Secretary-General for Francophonie

by Anicet L.Quenum, Benin, September 1997



Benin is aiming to take over the post of Secretary- General for French-speaking
countries (Francophonie). This position has to be filled during the next
Francophone Summit of Heads of State, due to be held in November 1997, in Hanoï, Vietnam

Benin's government has put forward the name of Mr.Emile-Derlin Zinsou, former president of Benin from 1968-1969. He is one of Africa's outstanding politicians and one of Africa's "fathers of independence". This long-time anti-marxist politician, opposed the marxist regime of Mathieu Kérékou, (Benin's President from 1972-1990) - who at one time, condemned Zinsou to death! Ever since Kérékou returned to power in April 1996, Mr.Zinsou has become one of Kérékou's closest colleague.

Someone like Mr Zinsou who has spent so long in politics, is appraised in different way's by Benin's population. Some say he is a "giant" in politics (Note: Mr.Zinsou [76] is a medical doctor]; for others, especially his enemies, he is a pure product of the "old political guard". But all acknowledge his qualities as a brilliant speaker and his competence as a politician.)

On an official level, Mr Zinsou has the entire support of Benin's senior government figures. In putting forward his candidature, the Foreign Affairs Minister said: "Benin has a special interest in the affairs of French-speaking countries, and wishes to make a particular contribution, by proposing one of the country's own sons to the post of Secretary-General of Francophonie. Emile-Derlin Zinsou has all the qualities necessary for such an exalted position, including a great deal of experience".

Two candidates

During the December 1995 Summit held in Cotonou, it was decided to establish the post of Secretary-General for Francophone countries.

Benin's candidate will have to compete with the well-known Pierre Boutros-Boutros Ghali, an Egyptian and formerly UN Secretary-General. Boutros-Boutros Ghali is perhaps hoping to be elected as General-Secretary for Francophonie, to compensate for his rough ride with the Americans, whilst UN Secretary-General in 1996.

The election campaign has begun, and each candidate will show what he has to offer. Both Zinsou and Boutros-Boutros Ghali are in their seventies, and both come with high qualities plus leadership experience - Boutros-Boutros Ghali on the international scene, and Zinsou as someone who has worked for the democratic development of his country.

Indeed, two very worthwhile candidates with a great deal to offer.



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