ISSUE/EDITION Nr 391 - 01/06/2000


Community radio stations


The Catholic Church leads the way in launching four community radio stations

The first to be opened was Radio Icengelo in the Copperbelt Province, followed by Radio Maria in Eastern Province, Yatsani Studios in Lusaka Province and now Chikuni Radio Station in Southern Province.

In addition to these four community radio stations, there’s the radio station controlled by the government-controlled Zambia National Broadcasting Corporation); a Pentecostal Church Radio Station (Christian Voice). Others are Radio Phoenix, a commercial radio station and Mazabuka Community Radio.

The Catholic Church in Zambia has led the way in launching community radio stations. Community radio stations could have been launched a long time ago except for the laws which restricted the establishment of broadcasting stations to the government only. From independence in 1964, the airwaves were reserved to the Zambia National Broadcasting Corporation. After the change of government in 1991, pressure started to mount that if democracy is to flourish, the broadcasting industry must be liberalized.

The Chikuni Community Radio Station

A year later, there was a liberalisation policy and the airwaves were freed. As expected, a number of radio stations sprung up. The latest to be launched is the Chikuni Community Radio station, costing US $100,000. The station is established about 30 Kilometres from Monze town in the south of Zambia. The site for the radio station was chosen primarily because of its rich history. It is at Chikuni Mission established by the Jesuits in 1905. Chikuni is a well-known place in Zambia, because of St. Canisius’ College established by the Catholic Church around 1956 to provide higher education. Almost a quarter of Zambia’s government officials have been educated at this college.

It’s from this Mission that the radio station operates on 91.8 Frequency Modulation (FM) and covers a radius of 80 Kilometres. The community radio station is meant to provide information to many parishes in the area and is the only Radio Station operating on FM. The government-controlled ZNBC operates on Medium Wave which is very difficult to capture on small radios which most people have.

At the colourful official launching of the Chikuni Community Radio Station, the bishop of Monze Diocese, Bishop Emilio Patriarcas, said people in the area were excited over the initiative. He said through this early enthusiastic response from the public, the true words of the Vatican Council on social communication has come true. But he warned local broadcasters that there is no room in modern broadcasting for untruths, or half-truths and there must be justice and charity in the way they broadcast their programmes to the local people. It is up to the local community to defend and safeguard their own press freedom so that it is used to develop their area.

There are four local broadcasters and these will be assisted whenever necessary from others drawn from the local community. Programme will be broadcast in the local language, Tonga, with English being used in special programmes.

Officially commissioning the Community Radio Station, the Information and Broadcasting Minister, Newstead Zimba, said the government is pleased to see the launch of a community radio by the Church. He said the radio’s main objective is to promote the local community’s integral development. He reminded his listeners that radio is a very effective and powerful means of communication in all spheres of life. «We all have the right to education, information, and entertainment, no matter where we live, be it in a city or a small village.» He praised the Catholic Church for taking the initiative in this matter which will bring people together.


PeaceLink 2000 - Reproduction authorised, with usual acknowledgement