ISSUE/EDITION Nr 411 - 01/05/2001



Professional women remain unmarried


The professional woman sees herself as man’s equal,
and no longer accepts a subservient role

In Senegal, especially in the towns, more professional women than ever remain unmarried. Such is the situation especially among the well-to-do intelligentsia, and this hits them hard. Despite being beautiful, elegant and cushioned against any need; despite their best efforts to find a partner, they’ve failed to find a «Prince Charming» to satisfy their heart’s desire. Indeed, there’s no-one prepared to «lead them to the altar».

Sad to say, the type of lady described above seems somewhat unpopular with the male population. On the other hand, the ladies themselves find it difficult living alone. They’re certainly not happy; they feel they’re being left on the margins of a rapidly changing society in which polygamy is now «only» running at 57%! So, what’s going on to cause this situation? And there’s also the issue of religion and tradition — what part do these play in the fact that professional women can’t get hitched?

It should be noted that in Senegal, a woman’s social status is acquired from her husband. Without a husband, she’s nothing, at least in a social sense. Unpleasant as this dependency may be, that’s the way things are in Senegal. We can’t be certain if religion and tradition play a role in all this. All that can be said is, that while not being a truly «feudal» society, Senegal does not tolerate permissiveness, even though «progress» is the order of the day. The fact is, these elegant singe women have the reputation of being «arrogant and insolent» — maybe they’re thought of as having an apparent superiority complex that they take great care to flaunt before the world!


What’s the true situation? It has to be recognised that most of the ladies we’re discussing, generally support themselves in a sometimes extravagant lifestyle and therefore, it has been said, frighten off possible suitors. Their social status, qualifications, the uncertainties attached to the job market and the rising tide of unemployment haven’t helped matters. In addition, Islam requires the husband to support his wife (or wives), and this doesn’t make things easier.

Professional women certainly don’t like remaining single, that’s for sure! But why can’t they find anyone? Explanations for this may appear fairly irrational, at least to our way of thinking. Some people say that this type of woman is possessed by «evil spirits» and this causes them to have an aversion to men. The «evil spirits» are very jealous and will not allow their beloved to have romantic relationships with men. That’s why, according to the theory, these women are very nervous, and always angry. And the «evil spirits» can take on a human form. They can give the suitor a flawed image of the coveted woman, making her seem flighty and undesirable.

Let’s ask a psychotherapist for an opinion because his analysis seems more logical: «The professional women sees herself as intellectually and functionally equal to the man. She can provide for herself, and does not accept a subservient role. The more successful she is, the more demanding she becomes and the less she’ll accept male domination. As far as marriage is concerned, professional women make serious demands, which operate to their own detriment. Senegalese men are still very conservative, and prefer to be the one in charge. They may consider professional women to be «intellectuals», but certainly not as being completely «woman» in every sense of the word.

This makes some men afraid. What’s worse for them is, professional women want to be «mistresses in their own homes». Also, the ladies in question are none too happy when their menfolk have other wives as well. It’s rare that a professional woman will accept this state of affairs and agree to be the second or third wife.

Such is the present situation vis à vis professional women and their chances of finding a suitable husband, who will provide them with the tender loving and understanding care their position in life calls for. Our psychotherapist will say that a professional woman who has not found a husband, finds it difficult to cope with her frustrations. She suffers from a lack of affection that can affect their work. Marriage is not the only way of finding satisfaction, of course. But in Senegal, unmarried relationships are not permitted.


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