ISSUE/EDITION Nr 436 - 15/06/2002


Security forces guilty of torturing civilians


Reports reaching Nyala from civilians escaping from the town of Raga, in Bahr-el-Ghazal, southern Sudan, say security personnel have stepped up a manhunt against civilians, detaining extrajudicially, mainly intellectuals and young people. Some of the detained civilians have been tortured, while others have been secretly executed

Earlier this year, Raga town was captured by the Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) in May 2001, but it was later recaptured by Government of Sudan (GOS) troops five months later in October 2001. At that time, civilians for fear of being caught up in the crossfire, fled from Raga. Most of them took refuge in Daein, western Sudan, where they were encamped for sometime as displaced people (DP)s. But their problems didn’t end in Daein, because the authorities treated the DP‘s inhumanely, preventing NGOs ready to offer relief supplies, from entering the town. In the process, some civilians, suspected of being SPLA agents began to disappear. (It should be noted that Daein is still in the hands of GOS forces).

When the GOS recaptured Raga, some civilians decided to return to their homes as they presumed all would be well. But alas! Government security personnel suspected them of being SPLA agents simply because they had fled from the town, and so arrested them.

Some cases

Sabino Kornelio, a teacher, fled from Raga — returned — was arrested — and has only recently been released after a long period of torture. He is now in Wau. John Lino, a teacher, was also released recently after he was detained and tortured. Archangelo Uyaka, an Administrative Officer, was picked up, detained, tortured and then released. (Archangelo had taken it upon himself to publish the names of those arrested and then released; those who have mysteriously disappeared; and those still in detention). Paul Juma Bebeshe is believed to be in detention and his fate is not known. John Rubano, a yong Catholic, was detained and tortured for two weeks and later released. Patrick Pio Gosumomo, an intellectual, was picked up right after Sunday Mass. His whereabouts is still not known.

Then there’s William Silgata, an Accountant and father of a Catholic Priest in charge of Raga Parish Church. William was arrested — tied up tightly and taken into detention. After several days he was released but is paralysed from the bad treatment he received. Secondo Primo, a medical assistant; Sisto Bingrowo, a financial controller; Pasquale, a media practitioner; Albert Karama, a teacher — are all in detention. Their fate is not known.

Kamal Bimoro was a driver employed by the Catholic Church. He was detained and tortured till he died in a manner that can only be described as a «calculated mystery.» He was taken outside, probably at night and shot. The same pistol, with which he was shot, was placed on his dead body to give the impression he’d committed suicide....the list of those who have suffered goes on and on.

The Mujahidin

In general, all those who managed to return to Raga were denied access to their own homes and property. It is government policy that the «mujahidin» (holy fighters in a holy war) have a divine right to loot property in any town that falls into their hands. At the same time it should be noted that Raga civilians are Sudanese! Although the GOS claims to be fighting to defend all Sudanese within the national territory, it does so in a discriminate fashion. It is only concerned about the land in southern Sudan but not the people who happen to be mainly black Africans, most of whom profess Christianity as their religion.

When the Mujahidin overrun a town, they cause havoc. This is part of the government’s Islamization policy, contained in its project known as «Moshru Al-Hadari» (Arabic for «orientation project»). It sounds vague but they understand its significance. It’s a project to Islamize through any means possible — through coercion, terror, forced intermarriages, bribes, or by granting «favours» such as employment and other luxuries.

And when the GOS is questioned about atrocities committed by the Mujahidin, it usually says these people are acting without orders from the authorities. But this has been going on for almost thirteen years! Why doesn’t the GOS do something about it?

When the government troops recaptured Raga, they went on a rampage, on the pretext of implementing the GOS policy of Arabization and Islamization. Even Church property was not spared. A vehicle with plate no. EE 7867 that belonged to the Catholic Church, was forcefully taken over by the Commander, Ismail Kakum. In fact, the whole programme of looting and hunting down so-called «agents», was done under Ismail Kakum’s supervision. (He was later replaced by Lt. Col. Mohamed Al-Amin).

The looting and arrests continue and it’s reported that at present, there’s no civilian government in Raga. Citizens are at the mercy of the soldiers who now terrorize the civilians. In spite of everything, more civilians, mostly from the Furge ethnic group, are returning to the town due to the harsh conditions in Daein.

At the beginning of May, NGOs still don’t have access to Raga. There are no educational services except indoctrination in the Islamic ideology in Khalwas (Islamic schools). Church-run schools have been dismantled and the material has been shipped to Khartoum as war booty.


PeaceLink 2002 - Reproduction authorised, with usual acknowledgement