African News Bulletin
Bulletin d'Information Africaine

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ISSUE/EDITION  01/02/2000 - Nr 383

Contents Nr. 383 - English

  • Africa - Challenges to the African Church in the Third Millennium
  • Côte d'Ivoire - "Real democracy" at gunpoint
  • Nigeria - Sharia - Cold war between Christians and Muslims
  • Nigeria - Sharia - A plot to destabilise a fragile democracy?
  • Zimbabwe - Eliminating child labour
  • Senegal - Voting and religion
  • Sierra Leone - Saving child soldiers
  • Mauritania - The Imeraguen - fishermen on their way to extinction
  •   Weekly News    -     ANB-BIA HOMEPAGE


    Contents can be freely reproduced with acknowledgements. The by-line should read: author/ANB-BIA.

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