Home How TAMAR works


Throughout the 17 years of its existence, TAMAR-IBAMA has improved its way of working, always pursuing creative solutions to preserve sea turtles. It started out in the states of Bahia, Espírito Santo and Sergipe, and has spread out along the Brazilian coastline and oceanic islands. At present there are 22 bases in eight states, in strategic nesting and feeding points along the coast.

All stations have an operational structure which is proportional to their demand, and work non-stop, all year round - with greater intensity in the nesting period, between September and March, on shore.

TAMAR-IBAMA directly employs about 400 people, mostly fishermen and members of the community where it operates. It develops community, research and training programs aimed at training and improving students and new graduates in the areas of Biology, Fishing Engineering, Veterinary, Oceanography and other courses that focus on the environmental issue. Fifty trainees a year are trained in the nesting period.