Framework on commnication rights
“Communication rights” group together various elements of human rights as they relate to different moments of society’s communication processes, including the production of knowledge and ideas, media and modes of dissemination, and the capacity to use them for economic, political cultural and other purposes. A Generic Framework of Analysis for Communication Rights has be designed, with a view to enabling a coherent and consistent assessment of the impact of global governance structures, positive and negative, on the health and vibrancy of communication rights.
The Framework that is presented here, and should be considered in itself work in progress, aims at:
· Identifying and exploring key elements and characteristics of communication rights at a generic level;
· Identify the governance contexts and institutions which are relevant to these, at national, regional and transnational level, including the current participation of civil society;
· Formulate criteria and indicators of these elements of communication rights, to facilitate national, regional and global level assessment of their presence or absence, and their quality, as existing on the ground for people.
· Promote a dialogue among civil society organizations and other interested parties, towards a policy-oriented conceptual definition of communication rights
The Framework that is presented here, and should be considered in itself work in progress, aims at:
· Identifying and exploring key elements and characteristics of communication rights at a generic level;
· Identify the governance contexts and institutions which are relevant to these, at national, regional and transnational level, including the current participation of civil society;
· Formulate criteria and indicators of these elements of communication rights, to facilitate national, regional and global level assessment of their presence or absence, and their quality, as existing on the ground for people.
· Promote a dialogue among civil society organizations and other interested parties, towards a policy-oriented conceptual definition of communication rights
- framework on communication rights - first version (31 Kb - Formato pdf)
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- framework on communication rights - second version (64 Kb - Formato pdf)
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