Grid for collecting data
The grid we present is a tool to assist the groups working on the GGP in collecting and organizing data.
Developing suggestions by the coordinator, this table takes into account the attributes and indicators table and instructions for the elaboration of reports. It also builds on insights derived from the IDEA Report on assessing democracy ( and on discussion about materials and methods that we had within the European working group.
The rationale for this proposal is the following:
· It should help in collecting and organizing the data we collect for the project in a coherent manner
· It should also help in further pulling together results from the different groups, offering opportunities for comparative exercises
· It should offer a consistent logic for the structuring of the GGP section in the CRIS website (and national /regional websites as well) so that materials that will be posted can be organized in a coherent manner
· It also favour the possibility to adapt the original framework to different circumstances (as in the case of the EU regional approach)
· It also allows the cooperation of people who might not be part of the working groups, but could bring contribution in specific areas, giving them an idea of what we are looking for, collecting and organzing
· It opens to the possibility of a possible continuation of the project along the lines of the IDEA experience: producing a tool that could allow other groups to carry on the monitoring and advocacy exercise in other countries/regions)
This table is just as a tool that allows an immediate visualization of how materials can be organized. It should therefore be used as an open guideline, to be followed only where useful, in the awareness that the output of our common effort should present a degree of consistency within and among the different cases.
- The grid for collecting data (68 Kb - Formato pdf)This table is a tool that allows an immediate visualization of how materials can be organized. It should therefore be used as an open guideline, to be followed only where useful, in the awareness that the output of our common effort should present a degree of consistency within and among the different cases.Il documento è in formato PDF, un formato universale: può essere letto da ogni computer con il lettore gratuito "Acrobat Reader". Per salvare il documento cliccare sul link del titolo con il tasto destro del mouse e selezionare il comando "Salva oggetto con nome" (PC), oppure cliccare tenendo premuto Ctrl + tasto Mela e scegliere "Salva collegamento come" (Mac).