B5: Are there widespread skills and capacities to enable people and communities to utilise media and communication to achieve individual and collective goals?
The investment in the human capital is the key for promoting the devopment of the Information Society and fostering a more inclusive innovation process.
EU has starded and financed programmes for the ICT training of students and workers and has promoted e-learnig, defined as the use of new multimedia technologies and the Internet to improve the quality of learning by facilitating access to resources and services as well as remote exchanges and collaboration.
The Council Resolution of 6 May 1996 has invited Member States to “promote the necessary provision of ICT learning opportunities within education and training systems by accelerating integration of ICT and revision of school and higher education curricula in all relevant subject areas without losing sight of the long-term objectives and the critical approach required by educational systems”
The Council Resolution of 8 October 2001 on e-learning has invited Member States the European Councial “to capitalise on the potential of Internet, multimedia and virtual learning environments for a better and faster realisation of lifelong learning as a basic educational principle and for providing access to educational and training opportunities for all, in particular for those who have access problems for social, economic, geographical or other reasons” and “to enhance research in e-Learning, in particular on how to improve learning performance through ICT, pedagogical development, implications of ICT-based teaching and learning and to stimulate international cooperation in this regard”.
To realise these tasks, coordinate the actions of member states, EU institutions, schools and Universities, many initiatives has been started.
eLearning Initiative
Launched during the Council of Feira, the eLearning Initiative complements the comprehensive eEurope Action Plan and groups together specific measures within an education-oriented framework, in line with the wishes expressed by the Lisbon Council.
Its intentions are:
- to involve education and training players, as well as the relevant social, industrial and economic players, in order to make lifelong learning the driving force behind a cohesive and inclusive society, within a competitive economy.
- to trasform schools, universities and training centres in local knowledge acquisition centres which are versatile and accessible to everyone.
- to strengthen cooperation and dialogue, improve links between measures and initiatives at all levels local, regional, national and European and between all the players in the field: universities, schools, training centres, decision-makers and administrators responsible for selecting equipment, software, content or services (including the social partners).
European Schoolnet
The European Schoolnet is a international partnership of 26 Ministries of Education developing learning for schools, teachers and pupils across Europe and beyond. It provides insight into the use of ICT (information and communications technology) in Europe for policy-makers and education professionals. This goal is achieved through communication and information exchange at all levels of school education using innovative technologies, and by acting as a gateway to national and regional school networks.
Its main aims are:
- provide information on policy, strategy and school practice for policy-makers and ICT advisors;
- to foster technical innovation and interoperability through common standards to enable closer collaboration between European educational systems and improve efficiency and cost-effectiveness.
Eurydice is an institutional network for gathering, monitoring, processing and circulating reliable and readily comparable information on education systems and policies throughout Europe.
Eurydice is committed, first and foremost, to offering policy-makers and all those involved in the provision of education with information and studies geared to their needs.
The Network boosts European cooperation in education by developing exchanges of information about systems and policies and producing studies on issues common to education systems.
The Eurydice Network consists of a European Unit set up by the European Commission in Brussels and National Units established by education ministries in all countries taking part in Socrates, the EU education action programme.
The European Unit coordinates the activity of the Network, drafts and distributes most of its publications, and designs and administers Eurydice databases and the central website. National Units provide and are involved in processing the data on which this activity relies and ensure that the output of the Network reaches target groups within their countries. In most countries, Units are situated within the education ministry.
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